Monday, March 4, 2013

Quilt Con

Just came back from a really great week in Austin, Texas at the 1st annual Modern Quilt Convention that I attended with my daughter and fellow quilter. We were inspired to do new things, try new techniques, and take our quilting in a new direction so we can capture the Modern quilter. 

We met Angela Walters and she was just as nice as she looks!  We made friends with a couple of gals from Australia (Dan and Kathryn), and got a little "catty" with Ann from South Dakota who I hope to connect with when I move to North Dakota in July!

The Quilt Show itself was fabulous and we really enjoyed the Modern style with it's simplicity and use of lots of background fabric and negative space.   I came home and spent my late night hours putting together some blocks I had constructed from the first fabric line Denyse Schmit produced with some white background fabric.  Initially, I had found this fabic difficult to work with, but when I separated it with the white,  it is much better, now I am happy.  I can't wait to quilt it, but not now, too many customers waiting in line.  Don't worry girls, I'll save this one to do in N.D.!

I must go quilt (work) now, but I will post some photos later!  In the mean time, I'll put on my Stelletos and get to work!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Winter Quilting Days

Days like today, you either get more done because it's so gloomy outside or you get terribly distracted and procrastinate on what you should do.  I'm doing a little of both, being creatively distracted and trying out new patterns, while procrastinating on some things I should been doing! 

But the quilting is going well, just slow because it's some tiny quilting with lots of ruler work and my thumb is really sore from snow shoveling making holding the ruler a pain.  But I shall press on because all in all, I am having fun.  Nothing beats a day at the Long Arm, watching the weather change outside my studio windows, while I'm all cozy inside.  I think a second cup of coffee is a good idea. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

First Snow of Winter

Snow is falling, the LongArm is timed!  Praise God!  All is well, it is a good day to quilt.  I have to stay focused today (which for a quilter is difficul, always new ideas popping in our heads that need to be pursued) but I shall write more later.  For now, greetings fellow quilters, sisters, parents, daughters and friends.  The common threads that tie us together are what I will write about.  May be funny, may be serious!  Stay tuned.  Be well.  Jill T.  a.k.a. Worth the Wait